our clients and what they have to say

Clients & Testimonials

our current client base includes…


what our clients have to say


Martin Guyton

Stir and Blend really provides a one stop shop for all your F&B needs, whether strategic and/or operational.  Theresa’s experience, professionalism and sheer hard work provides a genuine focus in an important area of your business.  She is expert in the management of change and will open your teams eyes to the benefit of your customers and your bottom line!

Operations Director
Halo Leisure
Iain Hayes

We’ve been delighted with the service and support Theresa has provided us. Her knowledge and industry contacts are second-to-none and she has routinely  delivered on our expectations.

Nick Masson
Sales Director
Bigwave marketing
Nick Masson

Theresa is a knowledgeable and considered professional with a huge depth of understanding and practical expertise for the leisure and catering industry. Theresa has continually demonstrated the ability to take complex projects through to completion in varied and challenging environments.